Webinar: Exploring the Power of Collaboration in Open Education
Is your institution struggling to reach its full collaborative potential in open education and related publishing projects?
Many institutions start open education projects with excitement about the possibilities of cross-departmental or cross-institutional collaboration, but often find it difficult to achieve truly effective partnerships.
Join us for a webinar with 2024 OE Global Collaboration Award winner the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and its members as they share how they’ve forged successful collaborations to publish high-quality, widely adopted open educational resources.
In this webinar we will:
Explore strategies for effective collaboration
- Discover how to overcome barriers to cross-departmental and cross-institutional collaborations
- Understand how collaboration can play a pivotal role in encouraging broader adoption of OER
*This event has already happened but you can register to receive the on-demand recording.
More about the Council of Australian University Librarians
🎉 The Council of Australian University Librarians' OER Collective won the 2024 OE Global Award for Collaboration for their amazing work fostering collaborative open practices within the academic community of Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand 🎉
Since it was founded in 2021, the Collective has achieved some amazing things:

Published 40 open access books with 80 more currently in development

Published collaboratively across 42 institutional partners

Awarded $92,500 in grants to 33 projects
More about the Projects
Panelists on this webinar will be diving into lessons learned while working on the following collaborative publishing projects:
Legal Research Skills: An Australian Law Guide
and in progress:
Essential Legal Research Skills in Aotearoa New Zealand
Meet the Panelists

Kate Tickle
Director, Strategy & Analytics
Council of Australian University Librarians
Kate is a leader, librarian, information researcher and former library and information educator with extensive experience in online learning and teaching. In her current role as the Director, Strategy & Analytics for the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), she collaborates with senior leaders and practitioners in academic libraries across Australia and New Zealand to develop and implement programs of strategic initiatives and oversee the CAUL Analytics Service, Professional Learning Service and Open Educational Resources Collective.
Alan Levine
Director, Global Community
OE Global
Alan Levine explores the potential of new technologies for education. In 1993 he set up a web server on a Mac SE/30 at the Maricopa Community Colleges and has not left since. His current role is Director of Innovation and Community Engagement at Open Education Global . Before that he provided consulting on digital technologies and the affordances of the open web, working with a variety of higher education institutions and organizations such as BCcampus, eCampus Ontario, Coventry University, the University of Guadalajara, Creative Commons and more.
Alice Luetchford
Open Education Librarian
James Cook University
Alice Luetchford is the Open Education Librarian at James Cook University. This role includes the development of open education resources such as ebooks using the publishing platform, Pressbooks. Alice has worked in a variety of roles in academic libraries including Law Librarian and Liaison Librarian for Business, Criminology, Politics and Creative Media. Alice is currently on a number of university and national working projects and committees relating to open education resources and open scholarship.
Kate Thompson
Law Librarian
Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka / University of Otago
Kate Thompson is the Law Librarian at the University of Otago / Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka, with over 20 years of professional experience teaching students research skills. She designs and delivers formal legal research training to Law students, introductory skills to non-law student groups, and offers individual legal research assistance to anyone in the university community. Kate is the Library representative for the CAUL OER Collective service, and is a long-standing member of the New Zealand Law Librarians Association.
Tracey Thomas
Research Services Adviser
Waipapa Taumata Rau / University of Auckland
Tracey Thomas (BMS, LLB, DipLibr) is currently a Research Services Adviser at University of Auckland / Waipapa Taumata Rau and has worked in law subject specialist roles for over 25 years in academia, private law firms and public libraries. Tracey is passionate about open access and legal research skills development.
Sara Roberts
Manager, Learning and Teaching Services
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / University of Canterbury
Sara is the Manager of Learning and Teaching Services at the University of Canterbury in Ōtautahi | Christchurch, New Zealand, and has worked in academic, public and special libraries for over 25 years. In her current role she leads a team of information professionals supporting the development of information literacy and research skills. She is committed to ensuring equity of access to information for the benefit of our communities and has been closely involved with supporting and promoting the use of Open Education Resources at UC over the last 5 years
Rachel Doherty
Open Education Librarian
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha / University of Canterbury
Rachel Doherty has been the Open Education Librarian at the University of Canterbury in Ōtautahi | Christchurch (NZ) since the role was established in 2022, coming from a background of wide-ranging administrative and subject librarian roles. She advocates for the adoption, adaption and creation of OER at Canterbury and supports academic staff who take on the important work of providing open and accessible resources. Rachel is also a member of the CAUL OER Collective Champions group.
Julian Pakay
Senior Lecturer (Biochem and Genetics)
La Trobe University
Julian Pakay is a teaching-focused academic in the Department of Biochemistry and Chemistry at La Trobe University. His main role is teaching third-year biochemistry, but he also coordinates and contributes to diverse subjects including first-year biology and science philosophy. He has authored open educational resources to support developing quantitative literacy skills in students and to promote conceptual learning in biochemistry and molecular biology.
Steven Chang
Coordinator, Open Education & Scholarship
La Trobe University
Steven Chang coordinates open education programs at the La Trobe eBureau. His focus is on empowering teaching academics and professional staff as emerging open practitioners through collaborative 'Third Space' projects. Steven is a Co-Convenor of the Open Educational Practices special interest group of ASCILITE. His current role is Coordinator, Open Education & Scholarship at La Trobe University.